Playing A Game P.N.03 NGC

One of the biggest flaws in PN03 is that they chose to make the first level what they made it. The general idea of the game is similar to an old-school schmup with a new-age presentation; but the first part of the first level is outdoors, and fools the player into thinking that the game is some free-range action shooter. It's not. Most of the game is played in narrow hallways, where the challenge is to balance your itchy trigger finger and the need to dodge or take cover from enemy fire.

That said, I wouldn't say that it's a good, misunderstood game. It is misunderstood, but I still don't think it's good. There are dramatic control issues, and I can see how keeping them in the game could maintain a level of challenge, but I think the game would be better served with a smooth, svelte control system. Rather than having to stop in my tracks to turn more than a few degrees, I'd rather have a more nimble character, even if it had to be balanced out by more dangerous situations.

The fire-dodge dynamic can get pretty hectic in later levels, and that makes it pretty cool. But, sometimes it just gets too hard. Outside of Easy mode, being killed is a rather simple affair even if you are on your toes.

It's the kind of game they could improve if they made a sequel; but I don't think they're going to, and to be honest I wouldn't really be disappointed if they never did.

Progress: Complete

Rating: Bad