World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
I've done dozens of group quests. I've been to Heroic dungeons, and Karazhan. I've gathered the money to buy the ultimate riding skill, allowing me to fly the fastest flying mounts around. But despite having completed so much - and in spite of the misgivings of any online game - I still really enjoy playing. This is nothing like level 60, where I felt like I was forcing myself to keep going.
There is so much to do, and the design is really quite brilliant. Old dungeons are reused as "heroic" versions, with difficulty and rewards ramped up to keep things fresh. Intricate chains of quests lace Outland and all its locales - every time I think I've finished them all, I find that they're still going. There are two endless sources of quests: one that requires maximum riding skill, and has you disguised as a fel orc, winning the favor of the nether drakes (which you can eventually ride); the other brings a caste of superintelligent ogres to your doorstep, and has you bombing demon camps and completing Simon-esque trials. And there is so much more that I haven't even touched, in the raiding game beyond Karazhan - The Eye of Tempest Keep, Mt. Hyjal, the Black Temple and others.
It is boggling how much there is to do in Burning Crusade, for players of all tastes and preferences. And all of it is designed having learned the lessons of the original. All of it is more fun. Level 80? I can't wait.
Progress: Level 70, 390 Engineering, 300 Riding