Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
Of course, I knew this going in. Fistful of Boomstick - not just a licensed game, not just based on a series of B-movies, but a game whose express focus is the absolute mindless-est of mindless violence - is just as bad as you'd expect even before you see the pitifully poor title/menu screen. Environments are restrictive and utterly uninteresting. Combat is dull. Hell, you need to collect save tokens to save your game, and if you don't, guess where the checkpoint is? Nowhere! The game is made up of a handful of laborious levels, and a limited number of pickup save tokens are the only thing between you and restarting them from the beginning.
Worth mentioning is the frank impossibility of several combat situations. Compare it to games like God of War or Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, where, when surrounded by enemies, you must strategically continue striking all of them in order to prevent each from felling your character. No, in Fistful of Boomstick, you are virtually locked on to an enemy perpetually, in spite of the occasional swarm of deadites descending upon you from all directions. A slow death and an undoubtedly inconvenient save location are all but assured.
I'm still not sure if I'll bother coming back to this later to try and finish it, because so far, the only redeeming quality is that Bruce Campbell himself has provided and read a treasure trove of classic Ash lines. As should be expected a couple of them quickly became quite repetitive, but there is a certain inner joy in hearing his take on zombie invasion and the Necronomicon.
Progress: Gave Up -- Died while trying to kill some zombie prostitutes