The gameplay is hideous, with more than its fair share of illogical decision trees and obfuscated progression, and yet Birdman still manages to be the easiest game I've played in recent memory. The writing isn't good enough to be called half-assed; I'd say eighth-assed, at most, with by far the best material in the game being a handful of clips pulled directly from the TV show. Characters that are new to the game (e.g. not from the show) are even poorly animated. The unlockable extras are few, and mostly copies or emulations of the show's DVD extras anyway.

The fifth case is the only part of the game that even closely resembles something fun. While the other cases have a cumulative "fun" length totalling somewhere in the 10-20 second range, case 5 has one, maybe even two whole minutes' worth. So that's the only reason I'm bumping my rating up to a 2.

At $20, this game is a complete and total scam. Do yourself a favor and buy a DVD volume of the TV show instead (which is not only cheaper, but also infinitely more entertaining). And if you, like me, already own all the DVDs, buying this game is a mistake. Sigh.

Progress: Complete

Rating: Awful