Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Warhammer is a pretty good multiplayer game. I don't mean in the massively sense - I mean when you get together a group of your own, actual friends, you can go into a Scenario or do a Public Quest and it's really fun. (Unless the particular PQ is impossible due to the size of your group, which sucks, and should scale properly.) At the same time, there is currently no shortage of good multiplayer games which do not suffer from an MMORPG's lack of instant approachability.
As for world PvP, I guess I just don't "get" it. More than one person has told me that gaining experience points from killing a player was one of the coolest things they've ever done. For my part, I couldn't care less.
As I said, WAR is good; technical issues aside, it's far from a terrible game. And I can definitely see how it could be better than WoW, for big MMO-PvP fans who have become tired of Warcraft's battlegrounds crap. But the portion of the game I actually care about, i.e. the rest of it, just isn't good enough to keep me engaged. I might renew my account later on, assuming the technical issues get worked out, but as it stands the subscription just isn't worth it to me.
Progress: Gave Up -- Level 14 Squig Herder