I spent a lot of time being frustrating by Ecclesia, but I finally figured it out: I need the right weapons. In the previous DS Castlevanias, numeric damage and reach were the only values of consequence to equippable weapons, but this game actually has something of a strength/weakness system, e.g. skeletons don't mind swords, but are easily waylaid by hammers. This comes out in a slightly different way against bosses, for instance the last guy I fought was basically unapproachable unless I used a particular spell that flies outward and can hit multiple times.

Now that I'm getting past the veneer of high difficulty, the game doesn't seem that special. Being able to equip two offensive glyphs sounds like it would promote variety, but really I'm better off equipping two of the same and attacking twice as fast. The new overworld organization is an interesting idea, but none of the miniature areas within it feel like they're being sufficiently exploited. And I'm already sick of the townspeople giving me quests to collect item drops and treasures. What is this, World of Warcraft?

Progress: 29%

Rating: Meh