Playing A Game Red Steel Wii

This game sucks, and you should never play it.

Alright, I'll elaborate.

There is a core game, in Red Steel, that is not awful. It isn't great, but it's competent: make tactical weapon choices, take advantage of the level layout to survive, aim at dudes' heads with the Wiimote. And there are even a few clever moments, like analog zooming on the sniper rifle by pushing and pulling the remote. But it's so weighed down by complete shit that this core game is absolutely impossible to enjoy.

I stopped playing in a stage, not quite halfway through the game, where Red Steel stopped being laughably terrible and started being retardedly frustrating. I kept running into three kinds of enemy encounter-

  1. Room is filled with dudes with shotguns, who are amazingly great shots; I cannot turn quickly enough to shoot them, and cover is insufficient to keep me from rapidly dying.
  2. Room is huge, and multiple dudes with sniper rifles attack me. Sniper shots take away half of my health bar each. I die quickly.
  3. Sword fights. Defensive moves do not work. I end up just flailing the remote around and waiting for the fight to end.

Everything about this game is poorly executed, from the shoddy movement controls to the farcical swordfighting, from the boring level designs to the baffling enemy balance, from the half-baked story to the lackluster graphics and nonsensical music.

Really, it's just terrible. Never play it. I claim (below) that Red Steel is better than Kane & Lynch, but that's a tough call, because at least Kane & Lynch allowed me to share my suffering with a co-op partner.

Better than: Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (PC, PS3, X360) (guh)
Not as good as: The Conduit (blegh!)
This game sucks: and you should never play it

Progress: Gave Up -- Gave up in the dinosaur egg room (??)

Rating: Awful