Man, I just don't know about this Amalur business. It's certainly not a bad game - and I know that I can enjoy games which are mostly borrowed - but it just fails to engage me in the moment-to-moment. The game world and play mechanics aren't just familiar, they're exceedingly familiar, to the extent that the Tolkien-styled fantasy setting, and the loose, button-mashy combat feel uninspired and stale.

It's a shame, because it's very evident that an immense amount of care and effort has gone into this production. The writing and voice acting, the artistic detail, the complexity of character stats and equipment, all speak to and realize a grand vision. But that vision just isn't very interesting.

I dunno though; it's not that it's bad. I might come back to Amalur during a particularly slow season. It's just, man ... I don't care about this game world, at all.

Progress: Gave Up -- Played through the demo