I thought I was done, but I wasn't! I got bored/drunk enough to approach the extra instances of the obstacle course and the yarn-ball destruction derby, and then a new mission opened up, where I had to not only skydive through rings and balloons -- but also land on rooftops, chop up costumed mascots with a chainsaw, and then get back in the air before a time limit ran out; not only a fun combination of elements, but also challenging, which has been pretty unique since I bought all the character upgrades.

(And then there was a second, even more challenging instance of this activity, so, awesome.)

With that, even though it still doesn't last super-long or add anything really meaningful to the game, there's enough fun to be had in this DLC pack that I'd easily call it Volition's best.

Better than: Red Faction: Armageddon - Path to War
Not as good as: Saints Row: The Third
Re: Volition's ability to make DLC: you know, not a bad try. Probably still wouldn't pay $7 for it alone, though.

Progress: Finished the 'story'

Rating: Good