My key suddenly started working again yesterday, so I was able to put some time into Harley Quinn's Revenge -- very little time, considering the DLC is so brief. It's not bad, per se; like The Missing Link, it offers a microcosm of most of what made the main game special and fun. The writing and pacing are excellent, and the combat and puzzle density is fantastic.

But I have to re-emphasize that this mini-campaign is short. And during its brief life, there are no open-world, freeform components, nor does Robin play differently enough from Batman to make his segments feel special.

Harley Quinn's Revenge is fun and well-produced, but not vital to the Arkham City experience and maybe a little overpriced.

Better than: Red Faction: Armageddon - Path to War
Not as good as: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link
For the record: buying a Games for Windows Live key through Steam is still some bullshit

Progress: Complete

Rating: Good