To more fully investigate my previous assertion that Uncharted 2 bests its sequel in terms of pure majesty - and to take advantage of a free weekend - I played through Among Thieves again, and a funny thing happened. While my trip through Uncharted 3 left me thinking back to giant Tibetan valley puzzles and train-fighting, this time through Uncharted 2, my mind wandered to burning chateaus, horseback chases, floating shanty-towns and sinking ships.

I guess that's a core strength of the narrative and design direction of the Uncharted franchise -- its high points are so strong that they can, in the long term, completely eradicate the memory of the low points. With the controller in my hand, I spend most of my effort looking for hand-holds and cover points, and yelling in futility at wave after wave of shotgun troopers; but looking back, I recall gorgeous scenery, enthralling action sequences, and hilarious banter. One might consider that what I remember is less like a video game and more like an eight-hour movie.

In retrospect, maybe my "a step forward and a step back" evaluation of Uncharted 3 wasn't totally fair and accurate. But I might have to play it again to be sure.

Incidentally, around chapter 19 I lost my patience with bullet-sponge shock troops, and dialed the difficulty all the way down. Shooting a guy in the head ten times and then exploding spontaneously just isn't fun.

Progress: Finished again (on Very Easy)

Rating: Good