For being essentially free (with pre-orders of BioShock Infinite), Industrial Revolution isn't a bad time-waster, but that's pretty much all it is. There are some bits of Columbia backstory here, but they're scant, and no more engaging than what you might read in an instruction manual. And while the intro makes some claims about choosing sides and changing outcomes, the gradual storytelling really seems tightly scripted -- I frequently saw story sequences of Founder success after "helping" the Vox Populi, and vice-versa. Not that any of it is particularly thrilling.

Industrial Revolution has six rewards you can earn by completing puzzles -- I wasn't paying great attention to my early progress, but the first five (unlockables in BioShock Infinite) all came within the first dozen or so puzzles. Completing the 59th puzzle finally unlocks the sixth reward, which is ... a collection of social media images for your favored alliegance. So unless you really want a themed image for your Facebook profile or your Twitter background, there's no reason to keep playing, other than the game itself.

And that game is, well, okay. Early puzzles are way too easy, and in fact most of the game seems overly simplistic. Only a handful of puzzles took me more than a minute or so. Like I said, it's alright for a time-waster, but you shouldn't expect anything more from it.

Better than: nothing, I guess
Not as good as: anything worth paying for
BioShock Infinite is still: ... four months away? God damn it.

Progress: Finished all 59 puzzles

Rating: Meh