Playing A Game Proteus PC

To its credit, Proteus has some pretty cool world-building technology: procedurally assembling a low-res game world with wildlife and weather effects.

On the other hand, Minecraft: Java Edition also does all of this, in addition to having a game in that world. Proteus has no such game. The most you can do is watch said wildlife and weather take place in the world, as in-game time passes by.

To judge Proteus as "good" or "bad" incorrectly presumes that there is some content to pass judgment on. (Which won't stop me from giving it a terrible rating.) There's nothing in Proteus. It's an environment engine; a single component of a theoretical game. Without any other components, it's just pointless.

Better than: ...
Not as good as: Dear Esther, going outside.
I guess there is an "ending": but I didn't walk around enough to trigger it.

Progress: is there such a thing?

Rating: Awful