Playing A Game Mercenary Kings PC

I've got a gun that's a cat holding another gun. Two cat-guns, in fact. Miniguns, SWAT shotguns, sniper and assault rifles, a magnum bigger than my character's torso -- just, a completely silly arsenal in my stores. Mercenary Kings has applied the Skinner box concept to guns, and I don't think it could possibly have gone better.

I have to stop. I'm addicted to collecting crafting materials, to build more guns (and more bionic mods, and more knives). Which sucks because, in its Early Access state - with only 60 of its 100 planned missions - Mercenary Kings doesn't have all the materials to build these things.

When it does, I'll definitely be back in it.

Better than: Castle Crashers (because it's still fun by myself!)
Not as good as: ... Braid, I guess? In its class, this game is just the best.
Seriously: there are two guns that are cats. A shotgun and a burst-fire rifle. The cats are different colors.

Progress: Finished the Early Access missions, collected like ... a fuckton of guns.

Rating: Awesome