Site News

Posts: 151 (hey, original number of Pokémon callback)

Games Played: 87 (74 standalone + 13 DLC)



Most Comforting (alternatively, Most Relieving):

Biggest Surprises:

Biggest Disappointments:

Coolest Application of Existential Physics:
BioShock Infinite

Most Shocking Technical Ineptitude:
Binary Domain

Baddest-Ass Ass-Kicking Badassery:
Saints Row IV
Runner-up: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Most Goddamned Confusing Bullshit I'll Never Fucking Understand:
The Wonderful 101

The "I've Had This For How Many Years?" Duke Nukem Forever Memorial Award Winner:
Trine 2

Best Game of 2013:
If Saints Row had Red Faction: Guerrilla's Geo-Mod physics
Runner-up: Saints Row IV

Most Looking Forward To in 2014:

Most Nervously Awaiting in 2014: