Super Mario 3D World's twelfth and final world, World Crown, is a sick, twisted dare. The Champion's Road level is a cruel test of skill, a minutes-long string of deadly obstacles with no checkpoints and no power-ups. Mystery House Marathon, meanwhile, is a 30-part time trial where missing a single 10-second challenge sends you back to part 1. These levels are ... evil. And I love it.

Still, though, I have to ding 3D World for this endgame difficulty level, which seems practically (if not literally) impossible as a solo player. If not for another player to survive my death, or another hand to help in a timed task, these levels wouldn't just be hard -- they would be unreasonable.

At any rate, I'll continue banging my head against them until I finally unlock everything, or until I am incapacitated.

Progress: 364 green stars, 79 stamps.

Rating: Awesome