(This is a terrible post title, since a significant aspect of Thomas Was Alone's theme was the power and meaning of teamwork. Oh well.)

To be blunt, the new "Benjamin's Flight" content for Thomas Was Alone - two additional chapters of ten levels each - is not worth bothering with.

  • It's short. Not that Thomas Was Alone was a lengthy game on its own, but expect the new chapters to keep you busy for under an hour, total.
  • The story isn't interesting. It isn't new or shocking enough to stand on its own, and it isn't long enough to develop anything as meaningful as the main game's characters or themes.
  • There isn't enough gameplay variety. There are only four block-characters in the whole thing, with the majority of its levels centered around Benjamin, who has a jetpack -- which as neat as it is, becomes tedious pretty quickly. And the other characters don't really add anything worthwhile; in fact, most of the levels' challenges involve Benjamin escorting these characters to the end.
  • The level design is frustrating. There are a whole bunch of levels with spike walls, spike ceilings, and insta-kill water-filled pits, and trying to pilot Benjamin and his jetpack through these areas becomes maddening. It's like VVVVVV but with worse checkpoints.

Thomas Was Alone is still an awesome, incredible game. But these additional chapters don't add anything of value to it.

Rating: Awesome