Happy 10.66th Anniversary
It recently occurred to me that I must be getting close to ten-or-so years since my first "glog post." And I was sort of right, in the sense that it is close -- but actually getting further away, now. My first post turned 10 years old on January 7th, 2014.
The glog has been through a lot of changes over these past 10.663014 years, from the long-form "review" articles I posted on my first website, to the shorter progress updates I posted on my first blog (a Perl/CGI driven flat-file news engine), to the Glog v1 (where I learned to use a database, and had multiple users! and then abandoned the site's development for years), to the current WordPress iteration.
What hasn't changed is my mission: to play a lot of games. I may not have the patience, or reflexes, I once did; I can't imagine being able to master Viewtiful Joe anymore, in my comparatively-advanced age. But perpetually building up my internal game encyclopedia continues to be one of my primary life goals.
Hey, there are worse goals to have.