Playing A Game Broken Age PC

The cardinal sin of Broken Age's second half isn't that it took so unreasonably long to release; even with more than a year since I played the first act, I still had a pretty solid memory of its important characters and story beats (a testament to the strength of the game so far). Nor is its biggest problem in the gameplay, per se, although the second act does incorporate a couple of puzzles with an infuriating amount of backtracking-and-forthtracking, and one or two face-palmy "adventure game logic" scenarios.

No, the way in which Broken Age's second act disappoints most is its lackadaisacal narrative. And to be clear -- this actually improves quite a bit toward the end, with some really impressive comedic and dramatic scenes. But act 2 goes through several hours of re-treading geography covered by act 1, and lazily revisiting handfuls of the game's existing characters. The inspired worlds and personalities of the game's first half just kind of ... peter out, here, until the final hour or so.

So, not as good as act 1, in terms of both writing quality and taut puzzle design. But it's still fair to good. There are much worse adventure games to go pixel-hunting in.

Better than: The Walking Dead
Not as good as: The first half of the game.
I do have to wonder: If Double Fine had trouble getting voice actors back into the booth for the second half, which would explain the lack of personality this time around.

Rating: Good