Playing A Game Ink PC

At first, Ink reminded me a lot of VVVVVV, for its lack of hesitation in killing you rapidly and frequently. Actually, that's kind of the point; Ink reveals the level layout with paint splatter when you die. Pretty fun!

When the levels started to get more lengthy and involved, I became more nervous about my ability to tolerate the die-and-retry cycle. But with a little perseverance, I found satisfaction in discovering each new level's design by dying all over it.

And then the spikes came. And then I had to jump through a spike tunnel. And died, and died, and died. I just ... I don't have the reflexes for this kind of thing, anymore. Maybe I never did.

If you're into the Super Meat Boy approach to punishing platformers, Ink applies a really cool aesthetic layer to that. Personally I just can't hack it.

Progress: Level 28