Playing A Game Tiny Brains PC

Tiny Brains is another Trine-like, where one or more players can switch between characters with unique abilities. Tiny Brains is more about puzzles than about action, although there are some combat stages as well.

The puzzles so far have been fairly simple, and although some solutions require precise timing, there is still a heavier emphasis on planning than on execution. (That said, from my experience with two players and two characters acting at once, it seems like some puzzles would be pretty damn tough playing alone.)

The collision physics don't work right all the time. Jumping up onto a ledge is not always as easy as it should be.

It's ... difficult to pick out anything that Tiny Brains does especially well. It doesn't have stupid controller issues, and the puzzle mechanics work fine despite occasional physics quirks. But the puzzles and the character-specific abilities are pretty basic; and the story, which so far is just a guy yelling in a fake Russian accent, isn't very compelling.

Maybe some mechanical enhancements or puzzle designs later on will impress me more.

Progress: Finished Chapter 1.

Rating: Meh