Work complete
I'm only "done" with Shenzhen I/O in the same sense that I'm "done" with TIS-100. I've finished the main series of levels, which has unlocked even more, but I don't have the energy or interest to continue on.
While I enjoyed the challenges of mapping high-level functionality to components and code, it remained disappointing, and a little frustrating, that the real difficulty almost always laid in the limits on lines of code and numbers of ports. And, particularly in that low-level respect, I never felt like Shenzhen asked for as much creative problem solving as TIS did.
Shenzhen I/O helped scratch my unending Zachtronics itch, but wasn't really as satisfying as its sibling games.
Better than: Human Resource Machine
Not as good as: TIS-100
I still seriously hate: this bullshit solitaire game.
Progress: Finished the main campaign.