Playing A Game Zoo Rampage PC

I can't even remember how I ended up with Zoo Rampage. It must have been part of a bundle I bought months, or maybe years ago. But as long as I was going to boot it up for Steam trading cards, I figured I'd see what the game was actually like.

You pick an animal, and you wreck the shit out of a zoo. Like, beating up tourists, plowing through gates, demolishing food stands, knocking over portable toilets.

It's shallow as hell: the differences between animals are minimal (speed, and maybe attack range?). And the only goal is to accumulate enough "points" (think dollars worth of damage, like in Blast Corps) to unlock the next stage, of which there are only a few.

It's very stupid, and I absolutely wouldn't buy it intentionally. But considering I had no expectations of it, Zoo Rampage was ... better than I expected.

Progress: Finished the fish-collecting stage.

Rating: Bad