Playing A Game Splasher PC

Splasher has been on my radar for a while, but only recently got a demo.

It's not quite as much like Portal 2 or Super Mario Sunshine as I expected -- that is, the special paint effects, and cleaning them, are not the biggest part of the game. They're still big! But, as it turns out, the real focus of Splasher is on skillful platforming.

This is something I've historically been not-that-great at; so I'm a little apprehensive about how difficult it might become in later levels. But I'm still pretty interested, due to the platforming nuances introduced by paint.

Based on the demo, I wouldn't hesitate at all to call Splasher a "more fun" version of Dustforce or Super Meat Boy.

I hope I can put up with all the dying I'll do in Splasher, because it seems pretty fun so far.

Progress: Finished the demo.