Well, I can take back what I might have said about Sir Hammerlock having the worst Borderlands 2 DLC. T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest is the new low point.

T.K. Baha, even as a zombie, is an incredibly uninteresting character. His voice actor sounds bored the entire time.

There are some new enemies, in the form of walking pumpkins; but most of the DLC is filled with skeletons, who we just fought a ton of in Dragon Keep.

The main quest is dull, and once that's done, T.K. gives you a sidequest to traverse the whole map a second time. Ugh.

And even though it's shockingly short, like an hour at most, it feels too long. Like 15 minutes of content was stretched over too large a map.

This makes a very poor first impression for Borderlands 2's "Headhunter" mini-DLCs.

Better than: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice: Phoenix Wright - Asinine Attorney
Not as good as: seriously, Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
Please, please: let the next one be better.

Rating: Awful