Mr. Torgue is here again to save the day!

Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a full-on redemption for the "Headhunter" DLCs, after T.K. Baha made such a mess of things.


Two: It's short, but in the "skirt analogy" sense -- it's just long enough.

Three: There's a fair amount of pop-culture parody even in its brief (less than an hour) main quest. Some The Hunger Games stuff, there's a Swedish Chef, "Chef Gouda Remsay" ... okay, maybe not much. But it's something!

And four: You blow up a giant turkey. As is tradition.

... and then there's Grandma Flexington's sit-and-listen story quest, which is an enormous waste of time but is still funny in a subversive, masochistic kind of way.

Wattle Gobbler makes the case for short, funny additions to Borderlands 2. Here's hoping for more like this.

Better than: Borderlands 2: T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest
Not as good as: Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage
I really wonder: how much mileage Gearbox could get out of a Mr. Torgue spinoff game?

Rating: Good