Only a month or two after saying they would have a release date - and, you know, a couple years after their initial estimate - Shaq Fu 2 is finally dated. I guess I can appreciate that, after this project's tumultuous history, they really wanted to be sure of the date before announcing it.

And ... wow. I like the over-the-top irreverence angle, a'la Marlow Briggs -- but this gameplay looks like a lot of bland, undercooked shit.

Sure, it's only the first level, but I still have to wonder: will all of Shaq's moves be restricted to 2D targeting, like beat-em-ups from 20 years ago? Will the screen always look so empty, with the camera zoomed out to show unremarkable environment art? Will the whole story be relayed by animated cutscenes and disassociated, throwaway voice-overs? And is that coin pickup art and sound from some royalty-free asset pack?

That said, there are aspects of this game that do seem impressive. Somebody got Shaquille O'Neal to record a flavor line saying "I hate crates!"

I think that this could be a good game to drink my way through.