Back when I replayed Guerrilla's "Steam Edition," I said that "I don't need a new open-world destruction game, at least not yet. This one is still good."

Well, three years on, it's still good. But my desire for a successor is growing.

Driving trucks through buildings, solving destruction puzzles a'la Blast Corps, and whacking Mars-nazis with a hammer like you're at the driving range; all of this remains super-duper fun. Meanwhile, the lifeless B-grade plot, the terribly sparse Badlands map, and bugs (like progression loss, or crashing during the final mission!); these feel more prominent and detrimental than they used to.

At its high points, like slinging rockets at EDF jets or mowing down soldiers with a mech walker, there's still nothing else quite like RF:G. And I hope that doesn't remain true -- since its low points are feeling more and more antiquated.

Kudos to this game's re-Mars-terers; here's hoping for the next one. (I'm legit stoked for any Saints Row remaster.) And beyond that, I hope that THQ Nordic someday sees fit to top Guerrilla with a new, not-a-corridor-shooter Red Faction installment.

Better than: Agents of Mayhem, I would argue.
Not as good as: it felt 8-9 years ago.
Sometime soon: I'll have to check out how The Saboteur has held up.

Progress: 20 missions and 43 guerrilla actions completed.

Rating: Good