Playing A Game Qora PC

Qora is a side-scroller entry in the "Walking Simulator" genre. Which I guess makes it a "Go Left or Right Simulator."

It's not without some charm: the story hooks are intriguing, the NPC dialog has a sense of humor, and the simple art style is adequately evocative. Running through its screens and uncovering its strange, fantastical plot makes for a good 20 minutes of fun.

The problem is that Qora is actually an hour long. It moves so slow -- and I mean that very literally. The movement speed is absurdly slow, and occasional button-mashing obstacles don't help.

Qora would be a "Meh" if its milquetoast story elements moved along at a reasonable pace. But the pervasive slowness of the game make it feel like a chore. Despite how ultimately short it is; Qora should be much shorter.

Better than: Zoo Rampage
Not as good as: Cube Escape: Paradox
There are multiple endings?: but I can't imagine plodding through Qora a second time.

Rating: Bad