Playing A Game Rise & Shine PC

Rise & Shine makes its purpose, arcade action, clear from the beginning: its throwaway, self-parodying story about video game tropes is dumb and meaningless filler between shooting (and ... some puzzling).

The problem with its action (and ... puzzle) sequences is that I hate the aiming controls. It's a twin-stick shooter with too much zoom distance and not enough aim sighting -- that is to say, I end up spamming the trigger button because it's so unclear where my shots will land.

And the worst part is that combat (... and puzzles!) often relies on a fly-by-wire mechanic which just sucks. Controlling the flying bullet is like a runner, or a dodge-em-up, plus you have to start over if the bullet leaves a special area, plus you're being shot at and really can't dodge while aiming.

This is on top of classic arcade punishment like one-hit kills (why do I even have a health bar?) and phased boss encounters where death puts you back at phase one.

If the story was even remotely interesting, I might put up with dying-and-retrying my way through it. But it isn't, so I won't.

Progress: Died and gave up at the intro boss.

Rating: Bad