Playing A Game Deadbolt PC

Deadbolt feels like a mildly-Gunpoint twist on Hotline Miami. I love being able to see the level zoomed out, and plan my approach; I love the environmental opportunities to move through air ducts, or flip over a table for cover; I love the flexibility afforded by finding (or purchasing) additional weapons and varying my combat tactics accordingly.

Unfortunately, like Hotline Miami, Deadbolt kills you in one hit and makes you restart the level when you die. I don't love that.

This is a non-issue in the early game, when there are only a couple enemies to get rid of and a mission feels like a short puzzle. But as the levels get progressively larger and more full of instant-kill enemies, the repetition of dying and retrying just gets too annoying.

As much fun as the sneak-and-assassinate action is, and as curious as I am to see new weapons and environments, I don't have enough patience to keep trying a level over and over again.

Better than: Hotline Miami
Not as good as: Mr. Shifty
Maybe the Gunpoint comparison is rough: but the simple side-view art feels similar, and also, I miss Gunpoint.

Progress: Finished a few Zombie Kingz missions.

Rating: Meh