Not much to say, here; I tried Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance again and stopped even sooner than the last time I played it.

As I was six years ago, I'm annoyed that the game doesn't do a very good job of explaining what it wants me to do. The difference this time around is that I have less patience to learn how to git gud properly exploit this combat system. How many die-and-retry loops, how many online references, will it take? More than I'm up for.

My more-recent attempt at Transformers: Devastation and replay of Vanquish have also tempered my expectations of Revengeance -- that is, I'm not looking forward to uncovering the rest of Raiden's story. Those other titles reinforced that, past a shiny presentation and bombastic-but-shallow narrative, the "point" of a Platinum game is its combat... and I'm just not that into it.

Progress: Gave up on the Blade Wolf fight in R-01.