Playing A Game Undertale PC

It's not that I don't "get" Undertale. Its off-beat sense of humor can be pretty good, and I appreciate the effort it puts into subverting RPG tropes.

But those elements are overshadowed by plodding field gameplay and sometimes-infuriating avoid-em-up combat. (Which, to be fair, is a personal distaste.) And its quirkiness and subversiveness also manifests as unpredictability, which pairs poorly with the distance between save points.

I would feel more comfortable trying all the wacky dialog options if death-by-bullet-hell was less likely or less punishing. But even setting that aside -- most of the moment-to-moment gameplay, walking through the world and solving simple riddles, is just dull.

I don't "hate" Undertale, but I do hate playing it.

Progress: Got to the waterfall.

Rating: Bad