I've been hankering for Witcher 3's "next-gen" (now well into current-gen) update since last year, so it's somewhat predictable that I had to stop waiting and just toss another coin at the existing Witcher before - literally the following week - the update finally got a release date.

Not like I was about to put the controller down and go back to waiting, though. I was already in too deep.

I had forgotten about the early-ish-game quest drought, after White Orchard but before most of Velen's content is level-appropriate; even Gwent opponents can feel over-powered until Geralt's put in a bit of exploratory grinding.

And I'd also forgotten how clunky the basic controls can feel -- Geralt's turning radius making it an occasional challenge to precisely target lootable objects.

No regrets, though. Even the un-updated game holds up well, telling an epic, enthralling tale with compelling characters and engaging sidequest content.

(This time around, I tried using internet guidance to ensure I got "the most" out the game - meaning, to avoid missing optional quest cutoffs - but I can't really recommend this approach. Tracking multi-dimensional storyline completion criteria is more work than it's worth, and felt like a distraction from the game's natural flow of events.)

Has the clunkiness been improved in this month's update? Is the (very slight) new content worthwhile? Well, I dunno yet. It was hard enough saving any quests until after the update finally went live; next stop, Beauclair.

Progress: Finished all main (and secondary? I think?) quests in the base game and Hearts of Stone.

Rating: Awesome