Space casino robbery is a strong pitch, and Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot ... partially lives up to it.

It hits some high-value targets: a cool space-station aesthetic, filled with the same Hyperion loader bots that were so fun to blow up way back in Borderlands 2; a cool soundtrack, alternatingly jazzy and high-octane action-ey as it adapts to the DLC's varied environs; and hilarious character events, with cartoonishly irrevent and violent hijinks that can only be described as "Oh, Borderlands."

But it also misses some prime opportunities squarely in its target area: the misfits you assemble into a crew don't get enough screentime to really shine - in particular, they don't bounce their awkward personalities off of one other, like any successful heist crew is obligated to do - and the villain is, well, not quite villainous enough. Given that this DLC is built upon the legend of Handsome Jack, I feel like its big-bad should have done more to outgrow Jack's shadow.

I'll give them credit for trying to form plot points around people stranded in the casino after Jack died -- like, that's a powerful premise, and portions of the supporting cast deliver on it more strongly than I'd expect. But, while surprisingly-entertaining segments like "Trashlantis" show interesting ideas, few of those segments are executed thoroughly enough to make them memorable on their own.

At the end of the day, the Handsome Jackpot is a really sweet setting for more Borderlands gameplay, which is pretty good. I just wish that it was a better caper.

Better than: Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty
Not as good as: Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
Now I really want to watch: a Cowboy Bebop and Army of the Dead fusion crime thriller.

Progress: Finished the main quests, some but not all side-quests.

Rating: Good
Playing A Game Biped PC

Biped seemed like a neat little co-op adventure when I started it back in January, but one frustrating level turned into a "break" that, six months later, it seems safe to assume won't get un-broken.

The game has a slick aesthetic, with simple and straightforward UI cues, and a colorful world that just plain "looks" fun. And you can collect items to unlock cute hats!

But Biped's sweet and sugary looks belie some stressful coordination challenges -- as the game goes on, it asks for more and more-rapid synchronized actions between not just your own two hands, but also someone else's two hands at the same time.

It's not so harsh as Kalimba, but Biped still requires a level of shared-brain button-pressing precision that my partner and I just aren't going to get.

Better than: Kalimba
Not as good as: Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Definitely not as good as: Pitfall Planet

Progress: Finished "Rainy Ruins" in co-op.

Rating: Meh

Toward the end of The Talos Principle, and especially when hunting for secret stars, Croteam's puzzles crossed the line from "difficult" into "exhausting" -- I enjoyed the game but felt no shame using online walkthroughs to complete it. Road to Gehenna picks right back up where the main game left off: with elaborate, lengthy, error-prone puzzles that saw me frequently throwing up my hands and reading a guide.

It's bad enough when the path to a puzzle's solution is obscured by a significant number of fidgety middle steps, but especially demotivating when some missteps mean that you need to reset the puzzle and start all over again.

Fortunately, "puzzle immersion" isn't all that Road to Gehenna has going for it: like the main game, it's structured around a fresh and surprisingly-nuanced philosophical narrative. And while The Talos Principle covered its material pretty thoroughly, Road to Gehenna manages to add to it in a satisfying way, with the AI personalities who got "left behind" and this world's equivalent of a rapture. Aside from some fun moments where robots absurdly misunderstand human history, it raises really fascinating questions about mortality and faith in the idea of a next life.

It doesn't reach the dramatic heights of the main game's plot, but the way it's told - with a virtual BBS and a cast of AIs writing their own articles, fan-fics, and shitposts - is pretty damn cool. Not quite as enthralling as Hacknet: Labyrinths, but similarly successful at building some personal investment in the game's world.

So, frustratingly complex puzzles aside, I'd call Road to Gehenna a worthwhile follow-up. Just, uh, don't waste your time with the secret stars -- unless you've got a passion for truly torturous puzzles.

Better than: Recursed
Not as good as: The Turing Test
Text-adventure content better than: Pony Island

Progress: Unlocked everything, with interweb hints.

Rating: Good

Ghost of Tsushima's beautiful open world is inlaid with engaging action gameplay and touching character stories. But not at first.

At first, the story is painfully vapid: Mongols are invading Tsushima and all these characters will talk about is "honor" and "code." Like, I get it, the Samurai are philosophically unprepared for the Mongols' tactics. And they will not. Stop. Droning on about it. In utterly emotionless dialog, no less.

The uncharismatic main plot steered my focus toward the game's other activities, which are... kinda good! Tsushima is rife with side stories, from the supporting cast's multi-stage tales, to small scattered vignettes -- rescuing a guy's family, getting revenge for a widow, investigating reports of ghosts in the forest.

Even at their most dramatic - like when the musician Yamato sends you on scavenger hunts to recover legendary weapons - none of these stories are exactly mind-blowing; they're mostly low-key insights into townsfolk's day-to-day lives. But they fit so well in the game's world, and engross you in it as you ride through pastoral flower fields, suffocating bamboo forests, and foggy graveyards.

This part of the game squeezes some of the same juice as Breath of the Wild, though lacking Zelda's exploratory climbing and hidden secrets. Roaming across the map, just existing in this world, is calming and satisfying.

And that's about all I can praise about the early game. Aside from an underwhelming main plot, the "combat" part of Ghost's combat-sneaking-hybrid action is ... pretty broken. I don't just mean that it's hard, although, it is hard, leveling significant demands on a player's response time and gamepad muscle memory -- but also, several implementation details seem wrong.

In open combat, enemies surround you from all sides, but the camera is zoomed in too closely to show them all; it doesn't follow your action, often parking uselessly behind some scenery; tilting the left stick is supposed to target that direction, but frequently enemy closeness overrides it and you attack something other than what you aimed toward.

Enemies and combat stances implement a rock-paper-scissors system, such that swordsmen require one stance to break their defense, shield-holders another stance, pikemen another stance; but the combat stances are unlocked gradually, meaning that until you've made enough progress, you just don't have the ability to feasibly attack certain enemies.

To switch stances, you need to hold the R2 button and then press a face button for the appropriate stance. But R2 is also the "pick up item" button, for example, when a felled enemy drops some loot! So you've killed some Mongols, their friends are still attacking you, you need to switch stances to fight them, you press R2, Jin leans down to pick up loot and gets hit in the back like an idiot. This happens all the damn time.

(R2 is also the "climb down cliff" button, so heaven forbid you're fighting Mongols on a cliffside.)

The thing is... this stance-based combat system, using diverse enemy types to keep you engaged and active, can be really fun - once you've got all the stances - aside from those mechanical fumbles. On the Easy difficulty.

I can't recommend this enough: I switched to Easy fairly early on, and although it is quite easy, I still had a lot of fun! Certainly more fun than dying suddenly because an enemy I couldn't see ate half my health bar in one attack.

As the game goes on, technique upgrades (read: level-ups) add even more variety and spice to combat -- and the main story does heat up in its back half, once Jin truly embraces the dark side of dishonorable tactics, leading to dramatic conflict with his mentor and father figure.

It's unfortunate that the game's third act, set in the snowy north of Kamiagata, is low on side-stories and replaces Izuhara's and Toyotama's gorgeous landscapes with barren, bland snow. And whoever's responsible for Mount Jogaku can go straight to game design hell. But by this point the story and combat are finally strong enough to hold their own.

In the end, Ghost suceeds in turning itself from "fascinating Japanese milieu piece" into "badass simulator with tragic character arcs." Slaughtering Mongols with a fully-upgraded Jin is a blast, and his allies' stories are ultimately fulfilling despite almost all of them sharing the same revenge-obsession flaw.

If Sucker Punch's next open-world game can pace its storytelling better, and fix those clear mechanical shortcomings, they could rival some of the genre's heaviest hitters.

Better than: Assassin's Creed III, and almost all the other Assassin's Creed games I've played.
Not as good as: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Batman: Arkham City, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Oh, and as for the online Legends mode: I got through the tutorial and already hated it. Forcing subsets of gameplay into class-specific selections is bad enough, but -- why are the button mappings different than in the main game?

Progress: Finished on Easy, killed all the invaders.

Rating: Awesome

Here we are at last, the end of my Mass Effect Legendary Edition journey. And the Citadel DLC, even more than Mass Effect 3's actual ending, wraps that journey up with a very satisfying bow.

There are two major phases to the Citadel DLC - a hectic cat-and-mouse mission pitting Shepard against evil clone Shepard, and ... an apartment party - both with the same "true" objective: reuniting you with the Mass Effect trilogy's cast of lovable misfits.

The somewhat-absurd premise of this DLC's combat missions is kicked all the way over the top by your squad's flippant, "fuck it" attitude toward evil-Shep. (As I alluded to earlier, Javik and Wrex get some great commentary in here.) This content makes very clear that it isn't about saving the galaxy -- it's about bringing back old squad members and having some fun with them.

And then you get to invite all of Shepard's current and former squaddies to a big party. For real. This mission tasks you with talking to your friends, and listening to them banter back and forth, make fun of Vega, speculate about the nature of Joker and EDI's relationship, et cetera.

I missed my Mass Effect 2 allies throughout ME3's story, so I love that the Citadel party gave me a chance to "catch up with" them again. And, with all due respect to the Reaper star-child and the galactic cycle... the best send-off for Shepard was definitely celebrating the friends she made along the way.

Better than: Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax (also a reunion tour), Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut (the "real" ending of the game), Mass Effect 3: Leviathan
Not as good as: Mass Effect 3: Omega
I just wish: I'd done the Citadel party before Mordin's sacrifice, so I could've invited him, too! RIP you loquacious son of a bitch.

Rating: Good

Leviathan taps into a theme that Arrival just hinted at: Reaper research leading to a dark place. Leviathan takes that ball and runs with it all the way into cosmic horror, shades of Event Horizon territory.

So while it may not have the strong characterization of Omega, it's got plenty of intrigue and tension to go around. The final mission is masterful in how it builds toward and reveals the mystery you've been chasing all along.

And the narrative payoff from this scene is one of the most memorable bits of the franchise.

Leviathan gets credit not only for adding meaningful background to Mass Effect's overall plot, but also for great pacing, scene-setting, visuals and voicework delivering a dark sci-fi thriller tale.

Better than: Mass Effect 3: From Ashes
Not as good as: Mass Effect 3: Omega
Seriously: Leviathan's lore revelations enrich the entire Mass Effect story.

Rating: Good

Overlord tried to tell an original side-story in Mass Effect's universe, but didn't ... try hard enough; really, none of Mass Effect 2's DLCs felt like they "put in the effort." Omega shows what happens when DLC does put in the effort. (It's good!)

Omega introduces a new supporting character, a new villain, and a couple new enemies, but the real star of this chapter is certified badass Aria. Throughout the multi-phased mission to retake the Omega station from a Thrawn-like Cerberus mastermind, Shepard and Aria get plenty of one-on-one time, and Carrie-Anne Moss delivers her character's cutthroat personality so well.

Aria was already a great "bad girl" archetype, but this DLC gives her a chance to really shine, like an animal backed into a corner; left with no choice but to claw her way out.

I wish the villain was a little more present throughout the story, and I wish that the mission was a little less linear -- or at least didn't trap me on Omega inbetween phases. But that's a small sacrifice for this DLC chapter's tightly-scripted, well-paced, satisfying narrative.

Better than: Batman: Arkham City - Harley Quinn's Revenge, Borderlands 2: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty, Mass Effect 3: From Ashes
Not as good as: Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart, Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
She may not be part of the Normandy crew: but this definitely feels like "Aria's loyalty mission."

Rating: Good

Of Mass Effect 3's two "new" squadmates, only one of them (the annoying one) was included in the main package. The From Ashes DLC introduces Javik, a revived Prothean!, whose unexpectedly harsh personality makes for highly entertaining conversation.

Asshole business decision, putting "the interesting one" behind a $10 additional purchase. But now, after being thoroughly underwhelmed by one, two, three, four, five, six, seven Mass Effect DLCs in a row, I'm finally thankful for their inclusion in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

The thing I loved about Mass Effect 2 was getting to know its diverse cast of insane characters, and Javik is the closest Mass Effect 3 comes to rekindling that magic. He reveals fascinating story details about the previous galactic cycle; he has a compellingly tragic backstory all his own; and Liara's reactions to his no-nonsense, imperialistic quips are priceless.

It's a shame that Mass Effect 3 doesn't have character loyalty missions, because Javik's probably would have been pretty great. But he's still fun to have a conversation with, much more so than Zaeed or Kasumi were.

Better than: Borderlands 2: How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day, Mass Effect 2: Overlord
Not as good as: Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax
For some really fun crew banter: bring Javik and Wrex along for the Citadel DLC. But I'm getting ahead of myself!

Rating: Good

Mass Effect 2 was better the second time around, because I knew what to expect and what I should focus on. Mass Effect 3, in my Legendary Edition revisit, ... was not. But it's still a fun adventure and (now more than ever) a satisfying conclusion to Shepard's story.

Some of Mass Effect's game systems have really improved in its third outing: snapping to cover is less error-prone, a "reputation" score allows you to benefit from mixing Paragon and Renegade decisions, and exploring the galaxy map is much less tedious (no resource scanning!). Some other improvements are more debatable: hacking minigames have been removed entirely, and - as an Infiltrator, again - moving the time-slow buff from a character stat to a weapon upgrade is just confusing.

But there are other changes in Mass Effect 3 that are irrefutably for the worse. Its plot structure is more linear, with more opportunities to miss content. Customization fatigue has unnecessarily regressed, with way too many weapon options and misleading stat sheets -- like, the fact that the harpoon gun's projectiles have travel time isn't even a statistic!

And, most notably, ME3's squadmate roster is a significant downgrade from ME2's. In pure numbers, we're down from 12 to a mere 7; and only two of those are "new" characters (and also, Vega is a shitty character). And there are no loyalty missions at all!, or in other words, even this reduced cast has less one-on-one character development than the last game's crew.

... well, EDI develops, not just physically but also emotionally, from her Mass Effect 2 state. But otherwise the most interesting characterization in Mass Effect 3 is when Shepard catches up with Grunt, Jack, Mordin, and Samara as NPCs in side-quests.

It feels great to finally bring the fight to the Reapers, and shooting alien monsters to death feels as good as it ever has. But Mass Effect 3 still feels like a step back from its predecessor's non-linear mission structure and character-centric storytelling.

Better than: Mass Effect, any of the second game's DLCs.
Not as good as: Mass Effect 2, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
And, as for this installment's DLC: fewer in quantity, greater in quality! But I'll talk more about those soon.

Progress: Finished on Normal.

Rating: Good

Arrival starts small, with an innocent-sounding mission to rescue a covert operative, and takes a little too long building toward its major reveal: a plot to slow down the Reaper invasion by fucking exploding a mass relay.

Which threatens to be a really compelling side-story -- but is immediately interrupted by space madness indoctrination and a rushed-feeling series of fights before Shepard presses the "blow it up" button and calls it a day.

Arrival's ambitious plot is underserved by how little storytelling time it actually gets. And while it's fun to observe the effects of this mission in Mass Effect 3, re: pissing off the batarians, I can't help but be disappointed that the angles of understanding and interfering with Reaper tactics are glossed over so quickly.

Better than: Mass Effect 2: Zaeed - The Price of Revenge
Not as good as: Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker
All in all, despite a handful of cool ideas: Mass Effect 2's DLCs feel ... unnecessary, neither as compelling nor satisfying as the main game's character-centric missions.

Rating: Meh