I hadn't played much GTA until the other day when I started up Vice City, and I have to say, I have been missing out. It was easy to write the series off as a glamorization of crime and the start of a "generic sandbox game" fad, but the real beauty of Vice City (and, I assume with hope, its companions) is in its balance of freeform play and mission goals. The missions start out easy enough, but get into some pretty intense car chases and firefights, which are all the more meaningful when they take place in a bustling, AI-driven city.

One of the cooler things about Vice City, too, is its music, which really enhances the 1980s ambience; switching radio stations in the car while not paying attention to the road is a guilty pleasure. Ramming headlong into a guy on a minibike just to watch him fly is another one.

Progress: Criminal Rating: Rot (282)

Rating: Good