Playing A Game Control: AWE PC

"AWE" is Control's TLA for Altered World Event, but in Control: AWE, it might just mean Alan Wake Expansion.

That's my gripe with this expansion: it's not only tied into Alan Wake's story, its cutscenes are in Alan Wake's storytelling style. The author-narrating-himself, verbose-stream-of-consciousness style that I didn't care for in that game.

Otherwise, it's the same Control stuff - weird environments, creepy conspiracies, paranormal combat action, that stuff - I'd already fallen in love with. And like The Foundation, this expansion has a satisfying amount of that content to play around in.

It doesn't have as much distinctive gameplay as The Foundation did, though; just some light-based puzzles and puzzle-boss-battles that, while neat, could get a little frustrating (what with unpredictable shadow-monster super-attacks).

... but, despite AWE's fixation on some other game, it's still a fulfilling and fun experience for anyone wanting more Control.

Better than: Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart, Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
Not as good as: Control: The Foundation
If the next Alan Wake includes more Control lore: I might actually muster up some interest for it.

Progress: Finished all the main and side missions.

Rating: Awesome